
Oracy for Ozzie kids

Product Code: OOK
Price: $30.00

Oracy for Ozzie Kids is an oracy program, based on a set of 10 books which are either - Aboriginal legends, or use Aboriginal characters, or have universal themes, popular to all children. The program particularly features: - a clear and comprehensive lesson plan and resource materials for each book; - a focus on oral language through purposeful activities; - support for different learning styles; - value of each child's language and contribution to the group; - opportunities for children, whose home language is different to school language, to practise and develop their language skills; - language which is used for hands-on learning, creating and exploring; - opportunities for children to take risks using their home language in a safe and supported environment; - an emphasis on activity-based learning style, contextualised by the literature and language of learning. Although the program has been heavily based on Aboriginal stories, the themes, characters, and language activities do appeal to a broader audience. The focus of the program has been on language, learning and doing, and is therefore ideal for many young children who are still focused on physical activities and who may have limited attention spans. It would also be an excellent introduction to Australian themes for young children who are learning English as a second language, but from a migrant background.